Thursday, July 10, 2014

Buffman and Gram's Vegetables for Vitality: Lima Beans

As many of you know Allen, Sterling & Lothrop's fourth generation has been getting more and more involved in the business.  You may have met Jenn's (AS&L's seed room manager) daughter Nadia running the front with her grandmother, Shirley, or  you may have had one of Shawn's boys help you with a Christmas tree.

This year Buffman (Shawn's middle son) has joined forces with his grandmother, Shirley, to bring you their thoughts on the healthiest vegetable's you can grow.  They consulted Shirley's vast knowledge of gardening and nutrition and

Lima Beans can prevent blood sugar levels from rising. When you combine lima beans with grain such as rice it can provide virtually fat free high quality protein.
Lima beans grow vigorously in any worked soil. Lima beans are slow to bear. Bush lima beans bear sooner than pole, but pole limas bear for a longer period of time.
Lima beans can be harvested and shelled like English (Garden) peas. Before washing lima beans, lay them out on a surface to check for small stones or damaged beans. Rinse the beans under cool running water. To shorten the cooking period and make it so you can digest them better, soak them first.
Try making a simple succotash-- by mixing equal parts of cooked fresh (or frozen corn) and cooked lima beans-- add butter and salt and pepper to taste.

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