Thursday, June 12, 2014

Buffman and Gram's Vegetables for Vitality: Spinach

As many of you know Allen, Sterling & Lothrop's fourth generation has been getting more and more involved in the business.  You may have met Jenn's (AS&L's seed room manager) daughter Nadia running the front with her grandmother, Shirley, or  you may have had one of Shawn's boys help you with a Christmas tree.

This year Buffman (Shawn's middle son) has joined forces with his grandmother, Shirley, to bring you their thoughts on the healthiest vegetable's you can grow.  They consulted Shirley's vast knowledge of gardening and nutrition and
Spinach aids in digestion and promotes healthy skin. It is high in vitamin A. It also helps strengthen white blood cells.  The vitamins in spinach serve as powerful anti-oxidants. One boiled cup provides over 1,000% of the RDA of vitamin K. A raw spinach salad is a quick and easy way to add a lot of food value to any meal. This is a great dressing to put on your spinach salad…

  1. 1 clove of garlic (minced or pressed)
  2.  ¼ cup vinegar (apple cider, sherry, red wine, etc.)
  3.  ¾ Cup extra virgin olive oil
In a bowl combine Maple-Sweet Pepper and garlic. Which in vinegar and add olive oil slowly while whisking constantly (by adding the oil slowly, the oil and vinegar will stay combined in a suspension). Or combine everything in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid and shake the dressing well. You may want to adjust seasoning by adding some salt.
(Maple-Sweet Pepper can be found at
Spinach is also delicious lightly steamed, with a little salt and butter.

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