Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bill's Picks for September

Sassafras (albidum): 
This slower growing tree is one of my favorites for several reasons:  The irregular shaped fragrant leaves that look almost like small hands, the winter interest with its beautiful branching habit, but what really makes this tree great is its wonderful orange to red fall foliage.

Magician Deutzia (deutzia gracilis):  A frequently over-looked gem.  It has profuse pink flowers late spring with nice yellow foliage and is resistant to leaf scorch.  The pink hued fall foliage adds soft and subtle tones to the fall landscape.

Black-Eyed Susan’s (rudbeckia):  There are many varieties of these tough, long blooming plants which flower in yellow, gold, orange, etc.  When mixed with Cone Flower, Sedum, Joe Pye-Weed, Catmint, Russian Sage, etc. Black-Eyed Susan's will put some POW into your garden.  It will self-seed if you let it.  Many people leave the seeds for the birds, and winter interest.